CCF Natural Health Care

CCF Natural Health Care encourages you to be an active participant in your own health care.
Doctors are important to provide tools such as testing and procedures, but you must take the lead.
Physicians aren't going to heal you - you are going to heal you.
Perhaps you've gone from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist and still struggling with mystery symptoms, having tried pretty much everything to get your health back.

Common Mystery Symptoms/Conditions the Medical Community continues to struggle with​:
Common Mystery Symptoms/Conditions the Medical Community continues to struggle with​:
Aches & pains, autoimmune, candida, chronic fatigue, colitis, depression & anxiety, diabetes & hypoglycemia, digestive disorders, epstein-barr virus, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, infertility, inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, menopausal symptoms, migraines & headaches, MS, neurological symptoms, PMS, post-partum fatigue, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, shingles, thyroid disorders, tingles & numbness, TMJ & jaw pain, vertigo & tinnitus, to name but a few.
CRA is a natural method of analyzing the body's structural, physical and nutritional needs. It's not a method of diagnosis, it's a means to use the body's reflexes to accurately assess the root issues of health problems.
Weak points or reflexes (sometimes referred to as acupuncture points) correlate with organs of the body.
In the ancient Chinese system of acupuncture, a known correspondence exists between the meridians (upon which the acupuncture points lie) and the organs and glands. Meridians are the channels for Qi energy or life force. When the energy in a meridian is deficient, the corresponding organs and glands are weakened and may become diseased or otherwise dysfunctional.
The opportunity to use the body as an instrument of laboratory analysis is unparalleled in modern therapeutics because the response of the body is unerring. -- Dr George J. Goodheart
The body does not lie.
CRA testing assesses 4 master access reflexes: structure, chemistry, nervous and the immune system. Each of the master reflexes are gateways into sequential acupuncture points corresponding to energy blocks or imbalances that may show up as dysfunctional organs, glands and/or deficiencies in the body.
Orthomolecular nutrition in the form of the right diet and correct supplements for the individual can then be tested to determine the best correction for the presenting symptoms and health challenges.
In 2021, in the current health environment, it is really important that we have a strong body and strong immune system. We need to be able to survive whatever pathogen stressors come our way, whether viruses, bacteria, fungi, electromagnetic frequencies (5G), etc.
Our bodies are resilient and we have the natural ability to repair, restore and renew. We want to awaken our own body's ability to heal.
CCF Natural Health Care can help you balance your body naturally to recover from mystery symptoms and optimize your health.
To schedule your appointment today call 519-751-5109 or email clinic@ccfcare.ca
"Just a quick message to thank you for all you do for me. I am so happy and healthy since I met you. I truly appreciate your unique blend of modalities to achieve optimum results. Your energy work is so pure and fine tuned, I've never felt the likes before."
Dawn, Brantford